wakaka ! happy with today..even 1week dint go out date d,sumor argue2 for dis 2days :(
but i noe he try his best to make me okay bck..he says n says sorry to me,make his funny face to make me laugh,make me happy n relax with himm :) ilove him with my heart..sorry dear time gduh2 2ari nie duk wat syg sdey.. ayg minta maap sgt2,ayg xtaw kawal emosi..btol ckp syg ayg mang pnting diri n x dgr ckp,i'm try my best2 tok brubah but duno y pngai ayg cm babi je..sdey n rimas ngn pngai ni,but what to do.. ayg tol xtaw nk control emosi tuh bek2.. :( i loveyou laa.. thx sbb ley layan ayg,kuar tmn ayg slalu even ade mslh.. i noe ur prob baby..
yeahh ~ today we eat donut as our lunch..yummmy~ syg gelak kt ayg sbb ayg mkn comot.. aiya,malu pn ade..
thx dear,u colour my life..u let me love u crazy2 ! ipromise i will change myself n be a good gf for u :)
About Me

- joye
- call me joye for short stay in taiping 19years old , stpm victim now -___- LOVE MY FAMILY,FRIENDS,BOYFRIENDS!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
love my classmate~
huh,so happy oso sad today..even happy bcoz last day of exam,nonid study2 for exam d,nonid tension2 d..but~ still sad coz we r leaving the school 4ever rite now...15/12/2010 last day we wear sch uniform at sch,as a student.. all r ends here,no more student n sch uniform for us.. :)
sad bcoz we r leaving our friends.. 1 n half year friends,even not long time but we still have many sweet memory together...hanging out,laughing,playing,joking,go out together..even all of dis are last for today,no more chance for us to hang out 21classmate together..all r going in their road,their other life in other way..
no more friends happiness at class after dis..so miss tat time at sch,at class.. y,y onli i feel regret..
lau ak ley ase nyesal awl2 kn bgos..bru skg ak thu g sek,blaja n enjoy sme2 ngn kwn2 klas la pkara pling best dlm khidupan sharian.. :) mang smua org pn akn cmtuh ke? akn nyesal ble smua da trlmbt..
lau la mse blh d undurkn kn bgos..rindu saat2 lawak2,hepi2,gurau2,men2,g koperasi sme2,g tndas sme2,blek sek sme2,kn marah sme2,sdey sme2,nges sme2..
tpi smua tuh da xde,kte da bebas dari alam persekolahan,da xde pkai2 uniform sek da pasnie..lau jmpe pn xley cm dlu da..
arap smua akn ingt memory kte kt klas al-bukhari..arap smua lupe sesama len..
wai cheng,meifen,ixora,pei min,mei kuan,zi mei,wai theng,joye(me)
sad bcoz we r leaving our friends.. 1 n half year friends,even not long time but we still have many sweet memory together...hanging out,laughing,playing,joking,go out together..even all of dis are last for today,no more chance for us to hang out 21classmate together..all r going in their road,their other life in other way..
no more friends happiness at class after dis..so miss tat time at sch,at class.. y,y onli i feel regret..
lau ak ley ase nyesal awl2 kn bgos..bru skg ak thu g sek,blaja n enjoy sme2 ngn kwn2 klas la pkara pling best dlm khidupan sharian.. :) mang smua org pn akn cmtuh ke? akn nyesal ble smua da trlmbt..
lau la mse blh d undurkn kn bgos..rindu saat2 lawak2,hepi2,gurau2,men2,g koperasi sme2,g tndas sme2,blek sek sme2,kn marah sme2,sdey sme2,nges sme2..
tpi smua tuh da xde,kte da bebas dari alam persekolahan,da xde pkai2 uniform sek da pasnie..lau jmpe pn xley cm dlu da..
arap smua akn ingt memory kte kt klas al-bukhari..arap smua lupe sesama len..
wai cheng,meifen,ixora,pei min,mei kuan,zi mei,wai theng,joye(me)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
my new history~
hoho,yesterday is a memorable day ouh :)) go out at 12midnite with other 2 mad friends ..
i arive home at about 4.51am! dammm late n tired d :)) but all of this take my festime,make a history for me..
so cool~ like all dis with my friends <3<3
love it ~
- lepak-ing at lake garden,gurls talk at there..play swing n bla bla~
- go shisha at KFP kmtg ouh.. peach n lemon flavour,yummyyy ~ my festime<3
- lepak-ing at my friend hse,cheng biby her fb profile name :) sumor continue our gurls talk..till my friends yannie period blood kena at my friends bed ! damm,laugh kau kau d.. haha ~
- till 4am... we go at tpg sentral 7e to have our supper.. ouh,yummy maggie cup tomyam
i arive home at about 4.51am! dammm late n tired d :)) but all of this take my festime,make a history for me..
so cool~ like all dis with my friends <3<3
love it ~
Saturday, December 11, 2010
tett ~ missyou damm much laa ! :)) even just 2days dint meet u.. but it make me feel like 2year dint saw u..
miss miss miss,if can reli hope can everyday oso can c u..accompany me 24hours..dear,lets get married ! <3<3
reli cant leave withou u even 1 second..wana live together with u,wana be alwix with u,wana accompany u too..lets me be ur wife ouh ! X) can ? dear, promise me not to leave me alone yaa..
tml lets us go joging together ! can ? reli need to meet u ! dont tell me tat u lazy go out n bla bla bla~
lets we use our time to hang out together yaa.. loveyou sygs ! loveyou much more!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
STUPID gurl !
uwekss ! lets us FUCK dia gurl ! she tinks he is pretty,cute,sexy,gorgeous n bla bla blaa ~ fuck off la bitch ! dare to say me stupid ! ak ingt ayt hng smpai ak mati '' THU PN,LAU DA BODO TUH MANG BODO JEWP'' so ? how dare u ? ak chat ngn mmber ak bkn ngn hng,pe hng sbok sgt hal org ? ak xknal hng pn ,hng xknal ak pn ! but U STILL DARE TO SAY ME ! bia la ak bodo pn tpi ak x la ckp org bodo.. hng tuh ? hng ingt hng mlayu hng da terer sgt laa ? fuck off laa,kwn malay ak smua x syok kt hng ! mmber mlayu ak kutuk2 hng gak,ckp hng pmpuan murahan ! SO ? pic2 hng smua nk tayang dada je taw ! hng ingt hng ape ? pelacur ? nk tnjuk2 bdn kt laki len ? ke da SANGGAP SGT ? HNG TUH MELAYU LAAA ! ingt2 la dosa sket ! jgn takat mlut nk ckp org je ! ingt2 la hti perasaan org ! skurangnye AK CINA pn ak taw jga adab ak la babi ! hng tuh mlut ag bsuk dari babi ! brani ckp ak bodo meh ak nk tgk btapa pndainye hng ! meh ckp ak dpn2 je aaa ,post kt wall ak ke ! mke pn tah cm ape jewp,brani nk ckp org ! lau mke cm artis xpe laa gak ! SUCKS ! cian mak bpak hng de ank cm hng ! -________-!! da2 fuck n blah jauh2 laa ! ingt dosa hng, jgn nk nyesal nti !
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
sad sad sad ! my pam paper 1 jusr get 29question correct ! :(( y i so stupid..y can get 29correct out of 60question.. reli2 out of mood now ! sumor 1question i already can pass my paper 1 ! stress,feel wana die ! study study n study but i still can lose to my frens tat go out on tat exam nite n dint study for exam wan.. y i so stupid, grrr ! reli wan take my head n knock on the wall.. my frens all good den me either they dint study but me.. who can help me,i oso cnot help myself..loser ! i dowan fail my pengajian am n bm paper ! but now i already canot hopem for my pengajian am paper to pass anymore..it already hard for me to pass.. :( god,help me..
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
hang out ~
walao ! today going TS with my bf n frens ouh :)) alsan nk cari job , haha ! but nt yt 1hour my frens say she already tired n wana go bck ! haha^^ but still best lepaking with her,damm miss her although justnow only go out with her ! grr,but i''m not lesbian k.. love my bf more n more ! he bcome our bodyguard today,walk along with us n doing nth ! kesian my syg an,muaaahh alek <3<3 gt la isi some borang,ley la ckp g cri keje gak ! haha :D but all oso call us wait for phone,so duno la wheather me n my frens can get any job o not ! just hope n pray laa ~ ape pn just enjoy today, thx to my bf yg sudi tmn !
hope 1day we still can lepaking yaa awny my frenss :)) tc okeyy, dun beat me d ! reli pain ouh ^.^
loveyou all ~
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